
Living Oxford English

Unleash the potential of language learners!

Living Oxford English is a new primary English coursebook series designed according to the updated version of the English Language Education Key Learning Area (KLA) Curriculum Guide released in 2017.

This series provides a stimulating task-based approach with a wide range of learner-centred activities that engage students and develop their four language skills, which facilitate the smooth transition from primary to secondary, and paves the way for life-long learning.


Oxford Achiever
Oxford Achiever ‘Assessment for Learning System’ is the first online assessment and self-learning system that truly caters for learner differences and objective-specific needs while reducing teachers’ workload. The finely graded practices in 36 levels cover Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Grammar and Vocabulary.

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Oxford Path Primary

Oxford Path Primary is a home-based learning package in four levels that creates an authentic English-learning environment at home. Thepackage aims to provide a wider and more in-depth coverage in terms of topics and level of difficulty to increase children’s exposure and English language proficiency in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, as well as extending their vocabulary and grammar usage.

Through motivating and engaging activities, Oxford Path Primary helps children build a solid language foundation. The package also comes with a Smart Pen that reads aloud every word and sentence, and offers help and answer explanations when children encounter difficulties in completing the activity sheets. Idiom cards, grammar cards and vocabulary building books are included for revision and easy reference.

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Oxford Reading Club
Oxford Reading Club provides fascinating reading passages which cover a wide range of topics. Closely related to students’ personal experiences and their everyday life, the passages are ideal for arousing learning interests at different levels. Reading passages are uploaded every month and each passage is accompanied by well-designed comprehension questions which help develop students’ reading skills and consolidate their understanding of the passage.
Oxford Reading Club exercises
(Download the Oxford Learning App to do Oxford Reading Club exercises)

Oxford Story Tree
Oxford Story Tree series contains storybooks in seven levels. It provides an extensive selection of interesting reading materials which feature colourful and humorous real-life situations as well as exciting and imaginative adventures. The materials aim to develop students’ reading skills and to arouse their interest in reading for enjoyment.
Oxford Storyland Readers
Oxford Storyland Readers (Enhanced edition) series provides interesting and lively stories and a thematically related factual section at the higher levels. It is accompanied by a phonics guide, online teacher's resources and web-based parent's guides. Oxford Storyland Readers (Enhanced edition) interactive CD-ROMs and packs are also available.
Read with Phinnie
Read with Phinnie series contains 72 storybooks in six levels. It includes both fiction and non-fiction stories to cater for learner interests at different levels. The series provides a wide range of learning and teaching resources, including e-books, big books and teacher's books.
Reading Rainbow
Reading Rainbow aims to create well-written and relevant stories with an authentic context that will encourage students to enjoy reading, as well as teaching them general skills, good behaviour, health/social/environmental awareness. The teacher's books and parent's guides give guidance on the teaching strategies and suggestions for extra activities.

Get ready for a fun adventure with the latest primary English coursebook series!

Ready is the latest primary English coursebook series in the market reflecting the recent updates in the Consultation Brief on Updating the English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum (December 2015). The series comes with a powerful e-learning platform, appealing materials and comprehensive self-directed learning resources designed to help learner achieve better outcomes.

In addition, 360⁰ support and services from our editorial team, teacher training team, sales team, digital team, our consultant Dr Paul Sze and other professional academics ensure that Ready teachers can teach with ease.

Tina and Friends

Tina and Friends is a storybook series designed to appeal to young learners of English. Organized into six levels, this series contains a variety of fun and educational stories about children’s daily lives, their family and friends, and the world around them.

About the series
Titles and components
Meet the characters

Junior Secondary

New Treasure Plus
New Treasure Plus is specially designed for use in the Junior Secondary curriculum. The extensive coverage of current, relevant topics and text types stimulates learning and student interest, and helps students tackle the TSA with ease and confidence.

About the course
Student’s corner
Parent’s corner

New Treasure Plus (Second Edition)
New Treasure Plus (Second Edition) is an engaging course specifically designed for the Junior Secondary Curriculum. Developed according to the latest requirements of the Curriculum Development Council’s Syllabus for Secondary English, New Treasure Plus (Second Edition) helps students become active learners in preparing for the challenges in the Senior Secondary English language curriculum.
Oxford English
Oxford English is a Junior Secondary series with a unique skills focus. This well-designed series features current, relevant, cross-curricular topics that will stimulate learning and student interest. Oxford English engages students and helps them develop and refine their English language skills for lifelong learning success.

About the course
Student's corner
Parent's corner

Oxford English (Second Edition)
Oxford English (Second Edition) is a comprehensive Junior Secondary series that equips students with exam-relevant language skills and knowledge for future academic success. This revamped edition incorporates the latest teaching trends and curriculum requirements to enhance students’ language awareness and facilitate multimodal learning.
Oxford Progressive English Readers
Oxford Progressive English Readers provide a wide range of enjoyable reading for learners of English at six language levels. Each book includes questions, activities and background information such as cultural context, character profiles and author biographies. Teaching resources such as lesson plans and worksheets are also available.

About OPER
Resources for students

Success in Grammar (Second Edition)
Success in Grammar (Second Edition) is a three-level series covering a comprehensive range of grammar items in a systematic and manageable way. Whether used in the classroom or for self-study, it will give Junior Secondary students all the grammar revision they need to prepare for the challenges in the Senior Secondary English language curriculum. It also helps teachers and students cope with the latest changes in the updated curriculum.

Senior Secondary

Advantage (Second Edition)
Advantage (Second Edition) is an engaging learning experience specially designed to prepare Senior Secondary students for the HKDSE English exam. It combines a streamlined English Language course with mock tests to provide students with the necessary exam skills. In addition to the four course units, it includes four complete mock tests. Each mock test is thematically linked to a course unit and consolidates the unit language and skills under tests conditions.

HKDSE Grammar
HKDSE Grammar is a comprehensive grammar book that contains all the grammar students need for the HKDSE exam. This new grammar series provides abundant practices.

About HKDSE Grammar

Oxford Essential and Oxford Advanced 2013 Edition (Self-study pack)
Oxford Essential and Oxford Advanced HKDSE Practice Papers are all-in-one HKDSE mock papers preparing students for the real exam.

About Oxford Essential

About Oxford Advanced

Oxford Essential and Oxford Advanced 2016 Edition (Self-study pack)
The 2016 Edition of Oxford Essential and Oxford Advanced HKDSE Practice Papers includes all-in-one exam practice papers that feature carefully controlled progression and provide wide-ranging exposure to the latest HKDSE question types and formats.

About Oxford Essential and Oxford Advanced HKDSE Practice Papers 2016 Edition

Oxford Essential and Oxford Advanced 2019 Edition (Self-study pack)
The 2019 Edition of our all-in-one HKDSE exam practice papers features the latest exam question types and formats along with a carefully controlled progression. This up-to-date edition provides additional teaching support and digital tools to help your students utilize their exam skills.

About Oxford Essential and Oxford Advanced HKDSE Practice Papers 2019 Edition