英文秘道 Secret Passage


李潔冰博士 (Dr Icy Lee)


“In this inspiring book, Dr Paul Sze exemplifies the notion of language awareness by drawing on examples from daily life. While the field of second language teaching has been rather slow in picking up and developing the notion of language awareness, this book fills the void by providing a useful resource for the readers to enhance their sensitivity to the interplay between grammar and communication, and for teachers to incorporate language awareness training into their own grammar lessons.”

梁賀琪博士 (Dr June Leung)


“ 'No fouling' 與 'Do not foul' 作告示時有何分別;'volunteer parent' 與 'parent volunteer' 何者更為正確;為甚麼 'look forward to' 後必須用 'ing' 形式?這些問題都可以在此書中找到詳細而易明的答案與解釋,而且趣味盎然。看罷此書可能未必立即成為英語專家,但肯定你跟我一樣,會在不知不覺中提高了自己的語言覺識,和更能領悟學習語文的樂趣。”

林沛理 (Perry Lam)


“《英文秘道》幫助讀者將表達方式道地、符合語言習慣的 'idiomatic English' 與想當然的港式英語區分起來。最難能可貴的是,他從生活出發,以談佚事和說趣聞的方式(anecdotal approach)切入,舉重若輕。”