What is Oxford Achiever?

Oxford Achiever is a learning platform developed by Oxford University Press (China) Ltd., covering key subjects: English, Chinese and Mathematics. Over 45,000 questions, diverse learning aspects and varied question types; which contribute to a flexible learning approach. Students can learn at their own pace and understand their strengths and weaknesses by doing auto-marked and graded assessments. They can track their progress effectively and get prepared for the next academic year.

English & Chinese: 

Mathematics (Only available in Chinese language): 


During closure of schools, students can recap their previous knowledge and acquire new concepts of English, Chinese and Mathematics through Oxford Achiever, which helps consolidate the subject knowledge effectively and enhance the willingness in self-learning.

Learning at right starting point after Placement Test

Reinforce student knowledge of core areas 
Placement Test suggests right starting point of diverse learning areas

Students will do a Placement Test which matches their level after login. For example, primary four students will take the test of the level equivalent to primary four. After they finish the test, the starting level of each core learning area will be recommended to users. The questions answered incorrectly will be further explained individually. Students can grasp the gist of the concise content easily.

A research study was commissioned to conduct an impact study, aiming at exploring students’ motivation and enjoyment in learning English using Oxford Achiever. In particular, whether Oxford Achiever motivates students to learn in an independent manner and enjoy learning. Nearly 500 primary school participants took part and the study found that most responded positively towards enjoyment in learning English, willingness in self- learning and perceived effectiveness of Oxford Achiever.

Explore Oxford Achiever now!



Frequently Asked Questions

1. Oxford Achiever offers multi-level exercises, at which level should students get started?

To enable students to start learning at the right level, Oxford Achiever offers them a Placement Test. Please watch the video for the student guide of the Placement Test.

2. How do students obtain level promotion?

When students have achieved over 80% 3 times in 5 consecutive practices, they can get promoted to the next level.

3. Can students redo or go over the exercise again?

Students can redo or go over the exercise again to reinforce their knowledge. For example, when students are at level 13, they can go over the content of level 1 to 12 and redo the exercise, including the self-study guides and videos, among others.

4. Are users required to pay any charges while using Oxford Achiever?

No charges or credit card information will be required when students use Oxford Achiever during the promotion period.

5. Does Oxford Achiever increase the workload of students? Should students complete the exercise within a time limit?

Oxford Achiever aims at motivating students to learn at their own pace, fostering their interests in self-learning.

Students normally complete an exercise of Oxford Achiever in 15 to 20 minutes. They can plan their own study timetable. Some schools will fix a timetable for their students, for example, completing 3 exercises in a week or requesting students to complete more exercises during long holidays. Therefore, such arrangements do not increase the daily workload of students.

6. After logging in iSolution, I get an error message when trying to open Achiever. What should I do?

Please check the version of iSoulution or Archiever, and update to the latest version. To do so:

You can click the cog icon to enter Settings page and then click “version” at the bottom right-hand corner, to check if the version is the latest one: 應用程式/Application 2.1.1;系統/System 1.10.1;Achiever 1.5.3.

If your app is not the latest version, please visit the download page of iSolution to download the latest version.

If the problem remains unresolved, please contact us on 2516 3126 or email to oupc.hk@oup.com