Supporting you with learning everywhere
Primary School

In view of the uncertain development of COVID-19 epidemic, Oxford University Press and Keys Press are committed to provide teachers with full support in adapting to the new normal. By offering abundant e-learning resources across different subjects, we hope to facilitate continuous learning at home and students can get well-prepared for the new year!
NEWNew resources 

Chinese Language

Oxford iSolution: an all-in-one e-learning platform
  • 愛閱讀網絡
  • 網上加油站
  • 課文朗讀
(User only)
Google Forms Exercise
停課自學包 (P1 - P6)
  • 習作簿
  • 語文遊戲
  • 自習篇章
(User Only)


Google Forms Exercise
停課自學包 (P1-P6)
(User Only)
Oxford Achiever 
Oxford Achiever is a learning platform developed by Oxford University Press (China) Ltd., covering key subjects: English, Chinese and Mathematics. Over 45,000 questions, diverse learning aspects and varied question types; which contribute to a flexible learning approach. Students can learn at their own pace and understand their strengths and weaknesses by doing auto-marked and graded assessments. They can track their progress effectively and get prepared for the next academic year.

Please contact our Account Executive for registration.
  • 思源
  • 語文加油站
  • 作家專訪
  • 專家談中文教學

English Language

Oxford iSolution: an all-in-one e-learning platform
  • e-Activities module
    • Kahoot! games 
    • flipped classroom
    • e-Dictation
    • e-Flash cards
    • reading videos and animations
    • grammar videos
    • e-Exercises
    • vocabulary games
    • grammar games 
  • Primary English Online Assessment (OLA)
  • Oxford Reading Club 
(User only)
Teaching Resources Centre
  • Google Forms exercises (All units) 
    • Vocabulary exercises
    • Grammar exercises
  • ​Grammar lesson videos (All units) 
(User only)
Living Oxford English
Teaching Resources Centre
  • Google Forms exercises  (All units) 
    • Vocabulary exercises
    • Grammar exercises
  • ​Grammar lesson videos (All units)  
(User only)
Oxford Achiever 
Oxford Achiever is a learning platform developed by Oxford University Press (China) Ltd., covering key subjects: English, Chinese and Mathematics. Over 45,000 questions, diverse learning aspects and varied question types; which contribute to a flexible learning approach. Students can learn at their own pace and understand their strengths and weaknesses by doing auto-marked and graded assessments. They can track their progress effectively and get prepared for the next academic year.

A research study was commissioned to conduct an impact study, aiming at exploring students’ motivation and enjoyment in learning English using Oxford Achiever. In particular, whether Oxford Achiever motivates students to learn in an independent manner and enjoy learning. Nearly 500 primary school participants took part and the study found that most responded positively towards enjoyment in learning English, willingness in self- learning and perceived effectiveness of Oxford Achiever.
Please contact our Account Executive for registration.
Oxford Owl
  • English language and Mathematics learning resources for 3- to 11-year-olds
  • 150 free eBooks for children
  • There are 6 Stages within Read with Oxford, each carefully levelled to support the children as they progress
  • Guide for parents to learning to read with phonics
  • Diversified English and Mathematics games
Education | Children's Books
  • 156 Sets of Reader Activities
  • Reading Notes
  • Activities Sheet


Oxford iSolution: an all-in-one e-learning platform
  • 《樂在牛津.小學數學》User:After-school Diagnostic Assessment
  • 《校本單元數學學習套》User:Online Assessment

Self-Learning Videos 

  • Learning & teaching videos for new semester by experinced teachers will be avaliable before back to school 
  • ​Google Forms Exercise will be provided for every learning video


Video+Google Forms Ex.(Sem A)

Video + Google Forms Ex.(Sem B)

P2  (1) 四位數的寫作和讀作
(2) 算柱上所表示的數
(3) 比較四位數的大小
(4) 排出最大和最小的四位數
(5) 以每 500、1000 個一組進行數數
(6) 以每 200、250 個一組進行數數
P3   (1) 認識括號
(2) 運用括號列式 題 1 至 2
P4  (1) 不超過四個數的除加混合運算
(2) 涉及括號的除加混合運算

P5  (1) 一個數與 10 、100 和 1000 的乘法運算
(2) 小數與整數的乘法運算 題 1 至 2
(3) 小數與整數的乘法運算 題 3 至 5
(4) 一個數與 0.1 、0.01 和 0.001 的乘法運算
P6  (1) 解涉及百分數加減的應用題
(2) 解涉及比較兩個數的百分數的應用題
(3) 解涉及所佔百分數的應用題
(4) 涉及餘數處理的小數除法應用題、小數四則混合運算 NEW 


Google Form Exericse 

1上 20 以內的數(單元練習) 
2上 三位數(單元練習) 
3上 五位數(單元練習) 
4上 乘法(單元練習) 
5上 小數加減(單元練習) 
6上 小數與分數(單元練習) 
(Please contact our Account Executive for P4 - P6 resources.)

Multi Media for Self-Learning

e-Learning Supports

Flipped Learning(Videos and Worksheets)


Zoom Tutorial 

How to use Zoom for online teaching? (10mins)

Oxford Achiever 
Oxford Achiever is a learning platform developed by Oxford University Press (China) Ltd., covering key subjects: English, Chinese and Mathematics. Over 45,000 questions, diverse learning aspects and varied question types; which contribute to a flexible learning approach. Students can learn at their own pace and understand their strengths and weaknesses by doing auto-marked and graded assessments. They can track their progress effectively and get prepared for the next academic year.

Please contact our Account Executive for registration.


Oxford iSolution: an all-in-one e-learning platform
  • 活動冊(各級):翻轉課堂、課文朗讀、課文動畫、發音示範短片、語音遊戲、語音難點短片、歌曲等
(User only)
  • 學生園地
    • 翻轉課堂
    • 課文朗讀
    • 課文動畫
    • 發音示範短片
    • 語音遊戲
    • 語音難點短片
    • 歌曲等​​
(User Only)

  • 課文朗讀
  • 詞語朗讀
  • 自學天地等
​(User Only)