Four sessions of ‘From apples to a pie—How to help students write better through process writing’ workshops were held in April 2016. There were two topics: ‘Teaching students the process of writing’ by Mrs Julia Wan and ‘Interweaving learning, teaching and assessment in primary writing classrooms’ by Professor Icy Lee.
In Mrs Julia Wan’s workshops, she first explained what process writing is and the 5 steps in the writing process. Mrs Wan then shared how to conduct a 6-double-lesson process writing programme step by step based on her publication about teaching primary school students the process of writing. Mrs Wan emphasized the importance of scaffolding students in both Key Stage 1 and 2 before, throughout and after the lessons.
In Professor Icy Lee’s workshop, she explained, using authentic examples, how student learning could be promoted by integrating teaching, learning and assessment in the writing classroom. Professor Lee also mentioned some techniques to achieve the learning goals, such as aligning instruction with assessment, combining genre with process approach and incorporating assessment for/as learning.
The workshops were well received by teachers. Here are some snapshots. Stay tuned for our coming workshops.

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