The Oxford HKDSE Exam Analysis Sharing Session ‘Expert insights on the 2016 HKDSE English exam’ was held on 23 April 2016.
After opening remarks by OUP Publishing Director Christine Chau, OUP Senior Editor John Thompson explained how Oxford Essential and Oxford Advanced HKDSE Practice Papers work to teachers’ and students’ advantage and introduced the new features in the 2016 edition. They include the most up-to-date practice, vocabulary handouts, seven new graded mock tests every year and tutorial videos, etc.
Speaker Theodore Tam, who obtained Level 5** in seven subjects in 2014, analyzed the 2016 HKDSE Exam English Language Papers 1–3 based on question types and formats. After pointing out difficulties students may face in the papers, Theodore talked about his personal strategies for preparing for each of the three papers, such as useful means of practice for paper 1, treatment of one-sided argumentative essays in paper 2 and time-management skills in paper 3.
In the last part of the seminar, Ms Jacqui Koo, the English Panel Head (Secondary Section) of Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary & Primary School, was invited to share her insights on the 2016 HKDSE paper 1. She compared the 2015 and 2016 papers qualitatively and quantitatively based on question formats and the number of texts and questions. She also shared some resources to help students prepare for the exam, for instance some English websites for students and classroom activity ideas.  
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