iWriter installation issue

If the installation fails with an error message which says "Sorry, an error has occurred." when you install the iWriter application, please follow the following steps to solve the issue.

1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0
2. While pressing the “Ctrl” key, select the “Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe”, then right click on the icon and choose “Run as Administrator”. Do not release the “Ctrl” key until you see the window which asks you to "Select an Installation Package".
3. Select and open iWriter.air in C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxford\Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary\oalecd8.data\ to start the installation.
4. If the installation fails, set your system date to a date prior to 30th Oct 2017 and try to install the application again.


有關 iWriter 的安裝問題

如果在安裝 iWriter 應用程式時收到 “抱歉,發生錯誤” 的錯誤提示,請按以下步驟啟動 iWriter 安裝程式:
1. 前往 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0
2. 按住 “Ctrl” 鍵,選擇 Adobe AIR Application Install.exe 並右擊檔案圖標,然後選擇 “以系統管理員身份執行”。持續按住 “Ctrl” 直到看見 “選擇安裝套件”。
3. 前往 C:\Program Files (x86)\Oxford\Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary\oalecd8.data\,選擇 iWriter.air 開始安裝。
4. 如果根據上述步驟進行安裝後仍收到錯誤提示,請把電腦的日期設置為 2017 年 10 月 30 日或以前的日期,然後再試一次。