In the field of secondary Geography education, we provide versatile support and services to promote excellent learning and teaching (L&T) approach. These include the publication of quality textbooks and supplementary exercises, provision of multimedia teaching aids, learning apps, online question platforms, professional workshops and field trips.


Senior Secondary Exploring Geography Third Edition (Reprinted with minor amendments 2024)

Senior Secondary Exploring Geography Third Edition (Reprinted with minor amendments 2024) is written based on the Geography Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4‒6) 2007 (with updates in July 2017). The full set of textbooks has been reviewed by the Education Bureau and included in the 'Recommended Textbook List'. The series consists of seven books and is divided into compulsory and elective parts.

Distinctive features of the Third Edition

• Facilitating learning
Clear concepts, well-organized content and up-to-date information help students to easily and effectively acquire knowledge and the latest development trends around the world
Skills training
Features such as Reading tips and Skills box strengthen students’ understanding of essential geographical skills required in geography learning and examination
New features such as Learning tips, Checkpoint, Tackling DSE questions, Guide to writing short essays, as well as enquiry-based field studies and fieldwork-based questions provide comprehensive and step-by-step guidance to students to better prepare for the examination
Multimedia supports, such as high quality videos and animations, 3D AR models and apps, VR photos and footage, as well as map overlays, all allow students to explore geographical concepts in a variety of interactive and interesting ways

This Teacher’s Edition contains the complete text of the Student's book, as well as teaching suggestions, extra information and answers to the questions in the textbook. It is available from the publisher upon request.

Senior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition)

Senior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition) is written based on the Geography Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4-6) 2007 (with updates in July, 2017). The full set of textbooks has been reviewed by the Education Bureau and included in the 'Recommended Textbook List'The series consists of seven books and is divided into compulsory and elective parts.

Distinctive features of the Third Edition

• Facilitating learning
Clear concepts, well-organized content and up-to-date information help students acquire knowledge and the latest development trend around the world easily and effectively

Skills training
Features such as Reading tips and Skills box strengthen the essential geographical skills of students which are required in geography learning and examination

New features such as Learning tips, Checkpoint, Tackling DSE questions, Guide to writing short essays, as well as enquiry-based field studies and fieldwork-based questions provide comprehensive and step-by-step guide to students to better prepare for the examination

Multimedia supports, such as high quality videos and animations, 3-D AR models and apps, VR photos and footages, as well as map overlays, all allow students to explore geographical concepts in interactive and interesting ways

A Teacher’s Edition is available from the publisher upon request.


Senior Secondary Geography Fieldwork and Assessment Practice

Senior Secondary Geography Fieldwork and Assessment Practice is specially designed for geography students who are going to sit the HKDSE Examination from 2019 onwards. This book will help equip students with the knowledge and techniques required to complete the compulsory fieldwork-based question in Paper I of the examination.

 There are three sections in the book. They include:
  • Fieldwork skills—easy and clear explanations of major fieldwork skills and concepts (including the major data collection methods of the three modules) necessary for the examination
  • Field studieswell-designed fieldwork activities that enable students to apply the fieldwork skills and knowledge in actual settings, as well as a full list of data collection methods for each module
  • Assessment practicepractice questions to familiarise students with the fieldwork-based questions in the examination

QR codes are provided to access to extra information and digital maps. There are a wide variety of resources such as VR, videos, photos and web links in the digital maps, which serve as convenient tools for students to conduct on-site field studies. Moreover, teachers can make use of these digital maps to conduct virtual field trips in the classroom.

An extra digital booklet Fieldwork Handbook is also available. It not only covers comprehensive data collection methods for each module, but also points to note for data collection. This equips students with all-round knowledge to better prepare for the examination.

Teaching & Learning Resources Centre

Junior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition)

Junior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition) is written specially for the latest Geography Curriculum Guide (Secondary 1–3). The series consists of 11 books and is divided into core and elective modules.
Special features
  • Precise explanations and clear concepts help students understand the content
  • Let’s explore arouses students’ interests in the topics
  • Reading tips strengthen students’ skills in reading maps, photos, tables and graphs
  • Skills box and Fieldwork equip students with essential geographical and fieldwork skills
  • Checkpoint, Unit summary and Integrated exercises consolidate students’ knowledge
  • More about and Explore further cater for learner diversity
  • Multimedia resources such as videos, animations, VR and AR enhance learning
Junior Secondary Exploring Geography (Third Edition) Workbooks 1 to 11 and Junior Secondary Exploring Geography Map-reading Skills (Third Edition) 1 and 2 are designed to accompany the textbook.