Navigate through an e-Textbook in iSolution

Jump to specific page from table of contents

You can quickly jump to a specific page in an e-Textbook from the table of contents of e-Textbooks.
1. Open an e-Textbook.
2. In the table of contents, you can:
  • Click on a specific section to jump to it.
  • Type in a page number at the upper right corner, click  or press Enter key on your keyboard.

You can also open a mini table of contents within the e-Textbook.
1. Click  on the toolbar to view table of contents.
2. To navigate through different sections in the unit, you can:
  • Click on a specific section to jump to it.
  • Type in a page number at the upper right corner, click  or press Enter key on your keyboard.


Jump to specific page from thumbnail page

1. Open an e-Textbook.
2. Click  on the toolbar.
3. Click a thumbnail to jump to that page.



Jump to a bookmarked page

1. Open a unit of an e-Textbook.
2. Click the My Bookmarks tab.
3. Click a bookmark to open the bookmarked page.